Climate and Weather of Madinat Coraya, Egypt

The climate of Madinat Coraya

According to Abbreviationfinder, the resort town of Madinat Coraya can be found between the resorts of Marsa al’Alam and El Qusier on the Red Sea. It is a lesser known destination in Egypt that is not yet known to the general public. The seaside resort is particularly popular with tourists looking for a quiet holiday destination in Egypt. Madinat Coraya can be found on a sheltered bay with a sandy beach that stretches for about eight hundred meters. In recent years, several large new resorts have been built and a water park itself has been resurrected. Off the coast of Madinat Coraya there is a beautiful reef where you can enjoy snorkeling and diving. Madinat Coraya has a warm desert climate with many warm hot days throughout the year. During the summer period, the average daytime temperature is above thirty degrees Celsius and days of forty degrees are no exception. Madinat Coraya is lucky to be right on the Red Sea. The constant sea breeze can provide the necessary cooling. On the hottest days of the year it is too hot to sit directly in the sun. It is still bearable on a bed in the shade on the beach, provided the wind from the Red Sea provides some cooling. The best time to visit Madinat Coraya is during the winter. During this period, the average daytime temperature is just above twenty degrees Celsius, so you can enjoy the Egyptian sun during this period.

Climate figures

The figures below are based on long-term average climate statistics. The temperatures are displayed in degrees Celsius (°C).

maximum temperature minimum temperature hours of sunshine per day days of rainfall per month water temperature
January 22℃ 13℃ 9 0 23℃
February 23℃ 13℃ 10 0 22℃
March 25℃ 16℃ 10 0 22℃
April 28℃ 19℃ 10 0 23℃
May 30℃ 22℃ 11 0 25℃
June 32℃ 25℃ 13 0 26℃
July 33℃ 25℃ 13 0 28℃
August 33℃ 26℃ 12 0 29℃
September 32℃ 24℃ 11 0 28℃
October 30℃ 22℃ 10 0 27℃
November 25℃ 17℃ 10 0 26℃
December 23℃ 14℃ 9 0 24℃

The weather in Madinat Coraya

Here you will find the weather forecast for Madinat Coraya. View the current weather in Madinat Coraya and the forecast for the coming days, such as temperatures, the chance of precipitation, the wind direction and the wind strength. With this weather data you can see what kind of weather you can expect in Madinat Coraya. Based on the climate statistics, we describe the weather per month in Madinat Coraya. This is not a long-term forecast, but gives the average weather forecast for all months of the year. Do you want to see the detailed weather forecast for Madinat Coraya? On the page with extra weather information we show the chance of snow, the wind chill, visibility, UV strength, air pressure and more good weather information.

An average weather picture per month can be compiled on the basis of long-term climate statistics, certain weather patterns and specific events.

The weather in January

In the month of January, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 22 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in January is 13 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in January at this destination is around 9 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in February

In the month of February, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 23 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in February is 13 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in February at this destination is around 10 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in March

In the month of March, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 25 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in March is 16 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in March at this destination is around 10 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in April

In the month of April, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 28 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in April is 19 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in April at this destination is around 10 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in May

In the month of May, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 30 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in May is 22 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in May at this destination is around 11 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in June

In the month of June, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 32 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in June is 25 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in June at this destination is around 13 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in July

In the month of July, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 33 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in July is 25 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in July at this destination is around 13 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in August

In the month of August, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 33 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in August is 26 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in August in this destination is around 12 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in September

In the month of September, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 32 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in September is 24 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in September at this destination is around 11 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in October

In the month of October, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 30 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in October is 22 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in October at this destination is around 10 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in November

In the month of November, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 25 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in November is 17 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in November at this destination is around 10 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

The weather in December

In the month of December, the average maximum temperature in Madinat Coraya is around 23 degrees Celsius. The average minimum temperature in December is 14 degrees. The number of hours that the sun is visible in December at this destination is around 9 hours per day. Within the whole month there is precipitation for about 0 days. If you look at the long-term averages, this makes for an almost dry month.

Madinat Coraya, Egypt